Mothman Makes an Announcement

 Late Fall 2021 - A creature of folklore known as the Mothman has made its presence known to Jo of Spirits Past by materializing in front of her at three different locations.  This spirit has the ability to appear in the physical world which explains occasional sightings.  During one confrontation the Mothman stated that "Hell was about to be unleashed."   

At this time in the news, the number of sightings of mythical creatures such as: Bigfoot, skunk ape, chupacapra, etc. are starting to rise.  Additionally,  UFO sightings are also on the rise.   We do not make any claim or correlation of this activity to the statement made by the Mothman.  

Jo's observation of the Mothman is that it is a very powerful dark spirit that travels with thousands of minions who are commanded to kneel in his presence or face removal of energy (the equivalent of total non-existence... no eternity).  The minions fear for their survival and obey orders to disturb the world of humans.  The Moth observes the turmoil caused by his servants while maintaining distance from the activity.

For our thousands of readers, if you encounter the Moth your best protection is to speak out loud to the minions commanding them to end their eternal servitude to the Moth and stand down.  Close with this prayer: "By the Precious Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I command you to leave!"  Keep repeating until you sense that peace is restored.



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