What Happens After You Die and the Conundrum With Children

First off, we want to advise that the information that follows is obtained from Jo's observations and conversations with those that have passed but have remained as earth bound spirits... what some may call a ghost.  While it may be in conflict with your beliefs and teachings understand our only intent is to inform with a pragmatic understanding.

Most of the time, when a person passes away, their spirit moves in an orderly fashion to either Heaven or hell.  When death comes unexpectedly, the newly deceased undergoes confusion about what has happened to them.  The spirit does not know what to do and remains with its body believing it is still alive.  The spirit tries to communicate with the living... family, friends, by-standers etc. in an attempt to summon assistance for their situation.

Eventually, the earth bound spirits figures out that it is dead but it remains confused about what to do.  This is especially true with young children.  They are taught at an early age to 'stay close" to mom or dad.  As such, young children often remain earth bound as they desire to be obedient to the wishes of their parents.  While in spirit, the child never ages nor matures emotionally.  The child follows the daily routine that they know hoping their parents will see them.

Parents of children who have passed often think that their precious child has been carried into the safety of Heaven so when the parent passes, they eagerly rush to Heaven hoping to be greeted by their child who was lost many years earlier.  The grief of a parent is a terrible burden!  What happens instead is that the child remains on earth while the well intentioned parents await the arrival in Heaven.

On a recent visit to a Civil War Battlefield, we met many of these children spirits.  Their parents were executed in front of them then the child was taken into battle as a drummer boy or servant to the soldiers (this happened on both sides of the war) with the thinking that the child would minimally be in the care of adults for food and shelter.  The soldiers would tell the children to "be brave" and the kids would follow orders by day while they trembled in fear and grief by night.  They remain earth bound while searching for their homes and parents.

You can pray for these children to cross over to Heaven.  In your prayers tell them to think about home, family and memories then look for the light and step in.


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